
10 February 2012


Happy Friday!! :) Welcome to the fourth edition of FUN FRIDAY where I reveal something about me, some personal tidbit that will allow my followers to get to know me better. I follow several blogs and I sometimes wonder who the bloggers REALLY are behind the words, so I thought it would be a cool thing to open up a bit and to reveal more about who Karen really is.

Today's tidbit isn't really about my personality, it's about what's going on in my life right now. I am moving. Which is really exciting, but super stressful. My fiance and I are moving out of our apartment to rent a house from a family member. We're scheduled to move in by April but the house is vacant now so we've been working on renovations and such over there that were needed cause the house is older and has been vacant for a couple years. We've gotten all the hardware stuff and cleaning done and this weekend, we're starting the painting. After being in an apartment of all white walls for quite awhile, we're both ready for some color.

It's an exciting time, but also extremely stressful as most of our free time is spent moving things and working over at the house. Of course the first thing we moved was all my books! Haha. Had to make sure my babies were taken care of. I guess what we weren't anticipating was the money costs though of moving from an apartment to a house. We need a LOT of furniture and will be taking quite a lot from our savings account, money that was put aside for our wedding that we're also paying for completely by ourselves. To say life is stressful is putting it mildly!

We both know it will be worth it in the end though. I'm super excited and ready to be settled. Sacrifices will have to be made to recoup some of the money loss that we're looking at. But staying in at our new house? Sounds good to me! I'll have a nice, cozy library to snuggle up in. Pictures will be posted once we're all settled in. I really cannot wait. Hope you all have a FANTASTIC weekend. Make the most of it!! :) *XOXO*

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